Glaukos Corp. stents prove cheaper than alternate treatments

The five-year cost for a two-stent operation was $4,420.
The five-year cost for a two-stent operation was $4,420. | File photo

A new Glaukos Corp. study reveals the cost of two iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stents could cost less cumulatively in five years compared to the selective laster trabeculoplasty (SLT) or topical glaucoma medication.

The research studied the exact cost of two iStents, SLT and topical medication only over five years. It found that the iStents medication was cheaper than the latter two after a panel of doctors offered their methods of treatment along with direct costs for prescriptions, other procedures and the possibility of complications. 

When it comes to the numbers, the five-year cost for a two-stent operation was $4,420 while the SLT was $4,730 and the topical medication only was $6,217. The two-stint option was the most expensive the first year, but became less expensive for each year following while the other two options more than doubled. 

“While numerous international studies have shown the ability of two trabecular meshwork stents to effectively control IOP in open-angle glaucoma patients, this analysis is the first to reveal the potential cost efficiency of trabecular stenting, especially over longer time horizons,” Dr. John P. Berdahl, ophthalmic surgeon from Soth Dakota and one of the authors of the Journal of Medical Economics article, said. “Our research indicates that the two-stent treatment option may reduce glaucoma-related health resource use and contribute to direct cost savings, particularly when compared to topical medication only, which is the most commonly used treatment option today but is often ineffective due to high rates of patient non-compliance.”

Glaukos is also looking for the Food and Drug Administration to grant two different types of its iStent inject Trabecular Micro-Bypass tool. One will assist with cataract operations and another in standalone surgeries.