Prime Aid Pharmacy was recently awarded both URAC Specialty Pharmacy and Mail Order Pharmacy accreditation.
URAC is the largest accrediting body for healthcare organizations; it is recognized nationwide as a symbol of excellence and validation of an organization’s commitment to quality and accountability.
“By receiving URAC accreditation, Prime Aid Pharmacy has demonstrated a commitment to quality healthcare,” President and CEO Kylanne Green said. “Quality healthcare is crucial to our nation’s welfare and it is important to have organizations that are willing to measure themselves against national standards and undergo rigorous evaluation by an independent accrediting body.”
BHM Healthcare Solutions helped Prime Aid to successfully achieve this important accreditation.
BHM’s URAC accreditation team deployed the development of secure document management protocols and processes, as well as collaboration with designated members of Prime Aid Pharmacy, in order to ensure successful obtainment of URAC Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation.
“We are proud to have teamed with Prime Aid Pharmacy in achieving URAC Specialty Pharmacy accreditation,” BHM President Mark Rosenberg said. “As a specialty pharmacy, Prime Aid is a part of one of the most rapidly growing segments in today’s swiftly evolving healthcare industry. We believe that attaining this accreditation will better position Prime Aid Pharmacy to develop strategic partnerships with accountable care organizations (ACOs) as they endeavor to deliver superior patient care at lower costs.”
Prime Aid Pharmacy receives URAC accreditation