APhA announces 2016 board election results

Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Arkansas' College of Pharmacy, Nicki Hilliard, was elected to serve as the president of the board, succeeding Nancy Alvarez in March of 2018. Philip Burgess, who serves as the president of the Community Pharmacy Foundation and on the executive committee of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, was elected to serve as the APhA’s honorary president.
Two new trustees were also selected: Randy McDonough and Sandra Leal. These roles along with Burgess’ will begin in March of 2017.
Hilliard has served in community pharmacy outlets in both independent and chain formats. As an instructor, Hilliard has focused on innovations in the area of nuclear pharmacy practice and management.
Burgess worked with Walgreens for 40, having been in positions of corporate management. He began Philip Burgess Consulting in 2009. His company is focused on regulatory changes that would allow improvements to patient care through growing technology.
Leal currently serves as the VP for innovation at SinfoniaRx, working to integrate pharmacy services, behavioral health clinics and hospital discharge programs.
McDonough currently serves as co-owner of Towncrest and Towncrest Compounding Pharmacies and Solon Towncrest Pharmacy, all located within Iowa City and Solon, Iowa respectively.