Ranking lists Benzer among top 50 drugstore chains in North America

Benzer, a chain of independent retail pharmacies specializing in compound and specialty medications, has more than 40 locations throughout Florida, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas.
The 2014 North America’s Top 50 Drugstore Operators was compiled by Chain Drug Review, a news publication serving the chain-drugstore industry.
Benzer was also ranked 25th in North America’s Top 50 Drugstore Chains by store count.
“We posted 30 percent growth last year, with five new stores and acquisitions,” Dolores Imlay, Benzer's pharmacy operations and contracting specialist, said.
In 2014, Benzer opened five new stores.
“The pharmacy intends to keep growing rapidly in order to maximize its reach to customers through walk-in personalized services,” Imlay said.
For more information about the top 50 drugstore operators in North America, go to http://www.chaindrugreview.com. For more information on Benzer Pharmacy, visit http://www.benzerpharmacy.com.