Geneva Woods Pharmacy introduces services in Pacific Northwest

The new services are aimed at transitioning patients from acute and post-acute settings to the home setting, as well as providing care for patients with mental health issues. The services will be provided out of GWP’s Vancouver, Washington, long-term care pharmacy facility.
“We have years of experience in working directly with service providers, discharge planners and care coordinators, to provide a continuum of pharmacy services to patients, in order to help avoid unnecessary readmissions,” GWP President Dan Afrasiabi said. “We are skating to where the puck will be in the future, as reimbursement models begin to recognize services that deliver better outcomes, both in terms of care and cost efficiencies.”
Kim Schneiderman, GWP’s newly appointed director of transitional pharmacy services, will lead the services in Washington.
“GWP’s vision for transitional pharmacy is one of specialized care, aimed at allowing individuals to remain healthy and happy at home,” Schneiderman said. “This vision has been my passion for over 25 years. I look forward to building a progressive approach to pharmacy, that fills a very large gap in the healthcare system, leading to unnecessary pain to patients and costs to the system.”