Retail Management Solutions releases free e-book on Point of Sale security

“We’ve become the industry leaders in pharmacy point of sale solutions,” Mike Gross, vice president of sales and marketing at Retail Management Solutions, said. “Because of this, we want to make sure our customers and the industry are up to speed as far as the pending changes that are coming with credit card security.”
Important Point of Sale (POS) software pharmacy topics discussed in the e-book include an introduction to POS security, a comprehensive guide to Payment Card Industry compliance, Europay-Mastercard-Visa (EMV) and the new credit card security standards, the importance of virus protection and more.
Gross suggested that readers pay particular attention to the section on EMV and Point-to-Point Encryption, as both sections are important in diminishing pharmacies acceptance of counterfeit cards and receiving criminal cyber-attacks.
Along with the e-book, Retail Management Solutions has included several other resources for their customers on EMV, including a webinar, several articles and other free downloads on the topic.