Pfizer Inc. and Indiegogo last week announced their partnership in developing the best idea in healthy aging.
The winner will receive
$50,000 and receive help from Pfizer experts to bring the best idea from
concept to completion.
“Every day, entrepreneurs of all ages are raising funds on Indiegogo for innovations that improve the way people live around the world,” Indiegogo’s Enterprise Crowdfunding Head Jerry Needel said. “Through this partnership with Pfizer, we are excited to bring our campaigners the resources they need to bring their products to market and truly make an impact on our future.”
The ability to crowdfund new and innovative products and services allows entrepreneurs to take their ideas from concept to market. With one in five people reaching age 65 or older by 2030, the competition's focus on healthy aging continues Pfizer's commitment to longer, healthier lives.
“Pfizer’s long history of being a leader in scientific discovery coupled with Indiegogo’s expertise in helping entrepreneurs gain access to valuable resources makes this partnership a natural fit,” Pfizer Inc. Corporate Affairs EVP Sally Susman said. “By challenging this community of innovators to come up with breakthrough ideas to help us live better, we’re hoping to not only discover cutting-edge projects that could potentially change the way we live, but also to raise more awareness about the importance of living healthy at every age.”
The competition is open through June 28. U.S. residents can submit their health and wellness ideas, inventions or innovations at The field will be narrowed to the top four submissions, then Pfizer’s Get Old community will vote for the two finalists. Pfizer will make the final selection.