Mucodel Pharma concludes successful Exonal clinical trial

Mucodel is developing Exonal as a possible opioid overdose reversal medication. The Exonal clinical study met all of its goals.
“We are pleased with the pilot clinical results for Exonal buccal naloxone,” Mucodel Founder and CEO Dr. Madhu Hariharan said. “The remarkably rapid transit of naloxone through the buccal mucosal barrier for this critical rescue therapy speaks very well for our Co-Gel platform technology.”
Exonal uses Mucodel’s Co-Gel platform to delivery agents that are active pharmaceutically and is designed for rescue therapeutics that require rapid absorption. Exonal was compared to an intramuscular injectable naloxone that has already been approved by the FDA. The comparison came in a pilot pharmacokinetic study.
“Exonal buccal naloxone offers a series of substantial value added features as compared with existing treatment options including improved reliability and ease of administration,” Joseph Fuisz, Mucodel's head of business development, said. “Dosing placement can be readily taught and seen.”