NPC Board of Directors taps Ofman as vice chair

Ofman is the current senior vice president of Global Value, Access and Policy at Amgen and served as the company’s chairman in 2016-17. He has been a member of the NPC Board since 2012.
"Dr. Ofman's expertise and passion for bringing breakthrough medicines to patients have shone through during his tenure on NPC's board," NPC President Dan Leonard said. "I'm looking forward to working with Dr. Ofman in his role as our new board chairman."
Ofman began working for Amgen in 2003. He has served as the company’s vice president of global coverage and reimbursement and global health economics. Before working for Amgen, Ofman held the office of senior vice president of Zynx Health.
"NPC plays an incredibly important role in convening and collaborating with other stakeholders to find solutions to today's health care policy challenges," Ofman said. "Having been part of NPC's board for several years, I've seen firsthand the importance of their work on issues such as real-world evidence, patient access to medicines, understanding value and encouraging innovation in our health care system."