PerformSpecialty recieves URAC accreditation for specialty services

The pharmacy states that this accreditation from an external force is an indication that it is providing quality pharmacy service in the specialty market.
Dino Martino, executive director of the pharmacy, states that specialty pharmacy clients tend to have complex conditions that often require expensive medication. So pharmacists in these kinds of facilities also provide information on a client's illness and treatment guidelines.
“By applying for and receiving Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation, PerformSpecialty has demonstrated a commitment to quality health care,” URAC CEO Kylanne Green said. “Quality health care is crucial to our nation’s welfare and it is important to have organizations that are willing to measure themselves against national standards.”
Specialty pharmacies often have more complicated medication and drug regimens available, including injections and treatments based in biological technology. Conditions that are treated with these measures include certain cancer types, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and organ transplant patients.
PerformSpecialty is owned by Perform Rx.
“PerformSpecialty shares PerformRx’s clinical culture and commitment to providing the most sound, efficacious treatments and programs for optimal outcomes," Perform Rx President Mesfin Tegenu said. "PerformSpecialty’s Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation ensures that our members receive the same quality care they’ve come to expect from PerformRx, creating a complete and inclusive care program.”