AMCP CEO to retire at the end of the year

Rosato has successfully led AMCP since November 2011, the company said.
"On behalf of the AMCP board of directors, I want to thank Edith for her strong leadership of the academy," AMCP President Raulo S. Frear said. "Edith has made a tremendous impact on the operations, growth and future direction of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy during a pivotal period in our nation's health care environment. Her leadership has been critical to our continuing success in progressing toward an envisioned future where [a] managed care pharmacy is widely understood and accepted as integral to the delivery of quality and affordable health care.”
Rosato will remain at AMCP until the end of the year to ensure a smooth and effective leadership transition for AMCP's members, employees and stakeholders, and she also will step down as chairman of the AMCP Foundation, the company said.
"It has been a great honor and privilege to serve the academy as its CEO," Rosato said. "I am a pharmacist, and working to advance the principles of managed care pharmacy has been the most rewarding experience of my career. I am especially proud of the exceptional AMCP team that has been built and its contributions to the academy's successes.”