Women in Pharmacy program to host fourth annual conference

"The Boot Camp is designed to give pharmacists and student pharmacists the business acumen and confidence needed to own their own pharmacies," Eden Sulzer, director of Women in Pharmacy program at Cardinal Health, said. "The program will serve as a crash course in ownership and a forum for sharing ideas and inspiration. Our goal is for attendees to leave feeling empowered to reach their dreams of becoming successful independent pharmacy owners, serving their communities."
The boot camp is organized by Cardinal Health; it will take place during Cardinal Health’s Retail Business Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.
"According to the 2014 National Pharmacist Workforce Study, women now make up 57 percent of all U.S. pharmacists, but there has been no increase in female pharmacy ownership in over a decade," Sulzer said. "We believe that key barriers include access to capital and a real or perceived lack of business or financial acumen. Our Pharmacy Ownership Boot Camp will specifically address these concerns, and offer guidance on how to successfully run an independent pharmacy."