URAC opens public comment period on measurement standards

URAC’s pharmacy measures were developed in consultation with an independent advisory committee of industry experts. The measures address 13 topics including turnaround time for prescriptions, generic drug dispensing rates, and statin use among diabetic patients.
“URAC welcomes outside experts and other stakeholders to review our pharmacy measures and contribute their insights so that we may continue to be an effective, independent leader in assessing quality health care practices,” URAC’s Vice President of Quality, Research and Measurement Marybeth Farquhar said.
Currently, URAC offers six different accreditation products related to pharmacy management, including community pharmacy, specialty pharmacy, mail service pharmacy, pharmacy benefit management, drug therapy management, and workers’ compensation pharmacy benefit management.
Interested parties can find out more about the measures and make their comments through URAC’s website, www.urac.org.
URAC accreditation validates an organization’s commitment to quality and accountability. URAC offers over 30 accreditation products across the health care spectrum that were created by independent industry experts to address the latest market needs and trends. URAC’s accreditation products are formally recognized by six federal agencies.