Naloxone now available in Ohio Walgreen pharmacies without prescription

Walgreens has made naloxone available in its Ohio pharmacies without the need of a prescription
Walgreens has made naloxone available in its Ohio pharmacies without the need of a prescription |
Walgreens recently announced, in accordance with its goal to combat drug abuse in the United States, that it has made naloxone available in its Ohio pharmacies without the need for a prescription.

Naloxone was developed as an opioid antidote that could potentially save lives.

Naloxone will be available in more than 240 Walgreens locations across Ohio, making it easier for customers to access. The medicine is administered as an injection or as nasal spray and is designed to counteract the effect of heroin or any other type of opioid-based drug.

Walgreens has made plans to make naloxone available in 35 additional states and in Washington, D.C. without a prescription, in accordance with pharmacy regulations in each of these states. Walgreens has also said that it is willing to work with lawmakers in states where naloxone can only be obtained with a prescription to update rules and regulations that will allow the medicine to be dispensed without a prescription to make it more accessible.

Naloxone is currently available in Walgreen pharmacies in Rhode Island and Massachusetts without the need for a prescription. Walgreens has begun to make the medication available in New York and has now expanded naloxone to Ohio and Indiana.