Efient 20 mg tablet now available from Daichi Sankyo

The medication had previously been distributed in 3.75 or 5 mg doses for longer term treatment. At the beginning of an Efient regimen, patients were directed to take four 5 mg tablets as the first dose and then one tablet on a daily basis following the initial dose. With the new dosage form, Efient should be initiated with a single 20 mg oral dose, and then continued at a 3.75 mg once daily oral dose.
This medication is primarily used in treating ischemic heart disease as a part of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). In clinical studies, both Daiichi Sankyo and research partners, Ube Industries, found that it was effective in reducing the risks of an ischemic event by reducing platelet activity. This new tablet was approved for the Japanese market in January of this year.
The use of the single tablet for the initial dose will allow patients to reduce the burden of taking the medication during the treatment period. The price for 20 mg tablets is listed for an equivalent of $10.75.