Women develop new attitudes toward beauty

The research included approximately 8,000 women from 16 countries, showing a new era of confidence in beauty among women. The report indicated women are much more open to improving their appearance; they also seek to improve their looks while also increasing their self confidence.
"There has been a real change in attitudes in recent years, today it is what women feel about themselves that matters most to them,” Dr. Mauricio de Maio, a globally renowned plastic surgeon in Brazil, said. “Although they are coming for aesthetic reasons, such as treating facial lines and fold, their real goal is to feel and look better. Sometimes their request is to look less tired and healthier, other times they want to look more attractive and younger. When I treat women, I take the time to understand the emotional motivation behind the changes they want to make — it's no longer just about what they want corrected, it's about how they want to feel after the treatment."
This shift in attitudes toward beauty are found in Canada, Brazil, China, Australia, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Netherlands, Mexico, Spain, South Korea, Turkey, UK, the U.S., and Thailand.
"When it comes to women's beauty goals, some key cultural differences are apparent,” Caroline Van Hove, SVP, International Medical Aesthetics at Allergan, said. “In Europe women embrace ageing naturally and subtly. In Asian markets, women want a more obvious transformation, while in the Middle East women want to look more beautiful with fast, enhancing results that accentuate their best features. What is especially exciting about this new research is the discovery that women around the world are united by an increasing desire to control how their looks evolve with time. And whether through photography filters, makeup or aesthetic procedures, investing in beauty is their way of positively influencing their image."