ASHP honors 35 for excellent pharmacy practice

The title recognizes the pharmacists for the excellence they have achieved in pharmacy practice.
The 2015 fellows will be honored at the ASHP Summer Meetings and Exhibition in Denver on June 9.
The ASHP Practitioner Recognition Program rewards excellent pharmacy practice by giving acknowledgment through the fellow designation. To become a fellow, members must have effectively demonstrated constant commitment or contributions to excellence in pharmacy practice for at least 10 years, demonstrated active involvement and leadership in ASHP, been actively involved in and committed to educating practitioners and others and contributed to the total body of knowledge in the field.
Those named 2015 ASHP fellows are:
Glen E. Albracht
Emily Alexander
Brian D. Benson
Ryan J. Bickel
Michael J. Brownlee
Melinda J. Burnworth
Jennifer A. Buxton
Noelle R.M. Chapman
Ericka L. Crouse
Rowell Daniels
Julie A. Dopheide
Donald J. Filibeck
Jeffrey Fudin
Daniel H. Good
Ann M. Jankiewicz
Thomas E. Kirschling
Robert A. Lucas
Karen E. Malcolm
Joel C. Marrs,
Linda Gore Martin
Lisa A. Mascardo
Kevin G. Moores
Melissa Murer Corrigan
Brian C. O'Neal
Richard J. Pacitti
Lois F. Parker
Mary H. Parker
Christina W. Quillian
Suzie Schrater
James D. Scott
Victoria A. Serrano Adams
Linda M. Spooner
Amy L. Stump
Kristine C. Willett
Cynthia P. Williams